Celebrating 10 Years of Service at ClearCaptions

This year, ClearCaptions is celebrating 10 years of service and dedication to our customers and our community. ClearCaptions was founded in 2011 with a driving force to serve hard-of-hearing individuals and allow them to stay connected and independent.
Since our inception, we strive to bring value and improve the lives of our customers. Our dedicated team members, new and old, continue to work hard every day to keep ClearCaptions growing and serving more customers with ever-improving products and services.
Putting people first
While our goal has always remained the same, the biggest change in the past decade has been the ClearCaptions team! With exponential growth and innovation, we’ve seen our team truly shine. When we started, there were only six employees and 25 captioners delivering connection and independence to our customers. After ten years, and achieving the Sacramento Business Journals’ fastest-growing status for four consecutive years, ClearCaptions supports customers with more than 250 employees and over 1500 captioners in locations around the globe!
No matter the size, we know the true value in our team is the dedication to service. Through our company values, including Quality, Accountability and Integrity, we work together and deliver on outcomes that are much bigger than any one person. We do this by making a great place for everyone to work, equally, as part of our team! Our ultimate goal is to maintain and deliver this critical service – Communication – now more than ever.
“ClearCaptions has made me aware that there is a tremendous need for our service, and I don’t want anyone to suffer the isolation that comes from no longer being able to communicate on the phone.
Bob Rae, the ClearCaptions CEO, makes time to join trainings to meet all New Hires – even after adjusting to Work From Home. In one such meeting, I heard him say, ‘If this job doesn’t make you cry, then you’re in the wrong position.’ He absolutely warmed my heart that day!”
– Chelane Martin, ClearCaptions Sales Training Manager
Communication continues to be an essential focus
2020, as we all know, was a year like no other. ClearCaptions took quick, decisive action to ensure our customers would continue to stay connected in the wake of a pandemic that left all of us isolated in some fashion. Our team pivoted quickly to provide remote solutions such as self-help videos, facetime installations, ongoing outreach, and more.
Hearing health is important to all of us at ClearCaptions
Many of us have been impacted by hearing loss in our own lives, and many have learned a great deal about what those with hearing loss struggle with since becoming part of the ClearCaptions team.
We know that every call is precious, especially when it’s been a long time coming.
“Recently, I installed a Blue phone for a senior gentleman who was a widower and lived by himself. I knew he was the right candidate for the phone because he really struggled when scheduling an installation date. I could tell it was frustrating for him. I arrived the next day, installed the phone, and learned he had not spoken with his two sisters in five years. It wasn’t because he didn’t want to talk, he simply couldn’t hear them, so they stopped calling.
After the install, I asked him to get his address book and I added the sisters’ phone numbers to the Favorite Contacts on the Blue Phone. As I left, he was already calling one of his two sisters. I was so moved that my eyes got a little misty as I got in my car to leave. I thought to myself – this is why I love helping people and changing their lives for the better.”
– Susan Richardson, ClearCaptions Business Development Manager
WordsMatter – For us, that’s been true since the beginning!
“I love seeing and reading customer testimonials – they truly put into words to the work that we do. Communication and connection are incredibly important and as humans something we crave and can appreciate. When customers tell us how our product and service has allowed them to continue hearing their loved one’s voices, it is something else. Positively heartwarming.”
– Ashley Chum, ClearCaptions Social Media Coordinator
The stories of hope, connection and independence from our customers are what keep us going. Every story is precious to us.
Take our customer Claire…
“I’m so grateful to have [captioning] on my phone. I can hear some but there are so many words I miss. It’s amazing that the voice-to-text keeps up so there’s very little pause in between, and I can read the words that I can’t understand.
What a great blessing ClearCaptions is in my life.”
Talking, interacting, and connecting to others is essential for our health, and critical to our positive emotional wellbeing – especially for our senior community and especially during the past year.
We remember Charol, who told us that her sister, Pauline, started thriving again after getting a ClearCaptions phone. After an accident that rendered Pauline near deaf, she struggled to have conversations with her children and grandchildren and became isolated and depressed.
After the phone was installed, Charol told our team “Seeing Pauline’s face light up from using the phone gave me faith in my sister’s recovery. Even though Pauline will never get her hearing back, she is able to speak with our family and loved ones, and this service has changed her life for the better.”
Thank you to all of you who continue to share your stories of connection and courage. You are truly why we do what we do!
Looking back on the last 10 years, it’s clear that we have done some amazing things, and that we only have great places to go!