Regain your independence
Stay connected to
loved ones
With a ClearCaptions Phone you’ll be able to read the text your caller says.
Have clearer
phone conversations
With near real-time call captioning you can trust that you will catch every word.
Maintain your
Confidently use the phone – no help needed.
Captions at home
Read the words your caller says with near real-time captions.

Captions on-the-go
ClearCaptions is available on the home phone and as a mobile app for iPhone® and iPad®.

Free installation & support
We offer free white-glove installation to get you connected.

Emergency alert system
Emergency alert messaging provides lifesaving weather alerts directly from FEMA.

See how ClearCaptions is
making an impact
ClearCaptions is
free for customers
ClearCaptions is available to qualified, hard-of-hearing U.S. residents at no cost as part of the Title IV of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These laws were created to make sure people with disabilities like hearing loss have equal opportunities and access to phone calls – it’s your right!
As part of the ADA, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires telephone and internet companies to contribute to the Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) fund. The TRS fund is managed by the FCC and helps pay service providers like ClearCaptions. That’s how we’re able to make captioned calls available at no cost to you.

Call a ClearCaptions
Learn how you can get call captioning at NO COST to you.
Or, complete this form and we will give you a call.
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