
Your practice and your patients are our top priority

ClearCaptions serves your patients whose hearing loss makes it difficult to use the phone without captions. With our call captioning service, they’ll SEE the words their callers say. Your patients will receive our white glove service, which includes in-home installation and training, free support & lifetime warranty and improved communication through near-real time captions on phone calls.

Providers - Clearcaptions phone

See a provider’s take

See a provider’s take

See why providers choose ClearCaptions to help their patients stay connected and independent.

Refer your patients and
we’ll take good care of them

Refer your patients
and we’ll take good
care of them

Fill out our online form

Fill out our online form

Mail, email or fax

Refer directly through your OMS

Refer directly through
your OMS

Supporting your patients is our top priority

We help your patients
regain independence

We help your patients
regain independence

ClearCaptions provides near real-time captions for phone calls. Our phone captioning service complements the care you provide to help your patients regain independence.

Customer service is in our DNA

Customer service is in our DNA

We strive to provide top-notch service to our customers, which is why we offer white-glove installation for all home phones and take the time to teach your patients how to use their ClearCaptions service. Combine that with free ongoing support and it’s truly a connection you can see. 

Easy patient referrals within your Office Management System (OMS)

Easy patient referrals within your OMS

Make things easier for your practice by setting up a direct connection from ClearCaptions to your OMS. We’re integrated into most OMS platforms: Noah (HIMSA), TIMS, Blueprint, HearForm/Hearing Fusion and CounselEAR. There’s no better way to refer patients quickly and efficiently.  

See how ClearCaptions is
making an impact

Frequently asked questions

Answers to common questions about ClearCaptions.

How does the ClearCaptions Phone work?2024-12-04T00:23:31+00:00

The ClearCaptions Phone displays near real-time phone captions on an easy-to-use touchscreen display. This service is available to qualified U.S. residents at no cost as part of the Title IV of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Learn more about how ClearCaptions works by clicking here.

Why should I choose ClearCaptions?2023-12-04T17:14:12+00:00

We understand that everyone’s hearing journey is unique, and a ClearCaptions Phone can help meet your patients’ communication needs.

Our personalized, white-glove approach provides your patients with:

  • Quick follow-up within 48 hours of receiving your referral
  • A caption phone at NO COST that complements devices your patient is currently using
  • Access to our white-glove service from installation to training and lifetime support

Your patients’ experience is our top priority! We will keep you informed of their progress every step of the way.

How do I refer through my OMS system?2024-09-17T15:13:30+00:00

In addition to our Patient Referral Form, you can refer directly through your OMS once the integration is set-up. We are integrated with:

  • Blueprint: Click on Patient > Forms > ClearCaptions
  • CounselEAR: Within the Patient Profile, select Actions > ClearCaptions
  • HearForm/ Hearing Fusion: Within the Patient Page, click the ClearCaptions button
  • Noah (HIMSA): Add the module to your Noah software
  • TIMS: In the Patient Summary panel, click Reports/Letters icon > Captioned Phones > ClearCaptions

For questions about referring patients directly through your OMS or for help setting up the integration, please email

Can my patients use the phone in collaboration with their hearing aids?2023-12-04T16:50:00+00:00

Yes! Combining our ClearCaptions Phone with hearing aids provides a complete hearing care solution because it allows your patients to read the words their callers are saying, in addition to the amplification the hearing aids provide.

How do I know if my patient has received their phone and how it is going?2023-12-04T17:15:52+00:00

Once you refer a patient, we will keep you informed of their progress every step of the way.

If you have questions, please reach out to the ClearCaptions Team at 866-868-8695 or

How do I help my patient if they have any technical support concerns?2023-12-04T17:08:28+00:00

If your patient needs help or has technical support concerns, we’re here for them. Please have them reach out to the ClearCaptions Team at 866-868-8695 or by web chat on our website at

Questions? We’re here to help

Speak with one of our trusted professionals at 888-870-8114 or email us at

Speak with one of our trusted professionals at 888-870-8114
or email us at

Referral form

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Area Code first. Do not add a 1.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

If you would prefer to mail a form please click here

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